A workstation assessment is designed to assess the workstation of the DSE user to ensure it is set up correctly in a way that will not cause any ill health in the long term or exacerbate pre-existing conditions.  Its aim is to identify and analyse any risk factors which may be causing current or future health problems and give practical solutions to reduce these risks.  DSE assessment can have numerous health benefits.  The improvement of the layout of an employee’s workstation not only enhances comfort and productively, it can also boost morale.  Thereby improving work performance and reduce cost of potential work-related absence.  It also ensures you as the employer fulfil your legal DSE requirements.

A qualified Occupational Health advisor can visit your office to undertake a personalised DSE assessment and provide you with a written report with suggested recommendations.


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If you have any questions about any of our services or would like to discuss in more details how we can help please get in touch using the details on our contact page.